Here's a nice one. Post it on your social media to counter all the "people in the world all hate, and only jw's are nice" propaganda we get...
since the spin we get from the wt and from the platform is very one sided, always banging on about how terrible the world is and how it's never been worse and mankind is going to hades in a handcart, how's about a good news thread?
i don't know about you guys but i try to share the good stuff as much as possible, because i feel it un-demonises 'worldly' people, helps witnesses see its not cut and dry, black and white, us and them.
there are millions of decent hardworking charitable people out there trying to make a difference for the community at large.
Here's a nice one. Post it on your social media to counter all the "people in the world all hate, and only jw's are nice" propaganda we get...
isn't going to be wonderful??.
not being there..
Love to konceptual, but I'm the only 'poztate in my neck of the woods, nowhere near Twickenham I'm afraid..
isn't going to be wonderful??.
not being there..
It was fine, I'm just laughing about it inside now, instead of stressing.
I can point out small things here and there to the missus without coming over all apostate.
I can wear my bushy beard with pride, despite the looks.
I can strengthen my critical thinking skills during the sessions and in my note taking.
I can support my wife in her hobby and social life despite thinking it's all bull.
I can actually catch up with some mates during the sessions too.
All in all, not too bad a day. It was interesting actually seeing and hearing a member of the gb give a talk. And hearing the audience fawning over every tiny joke ("ooh he's so HUMAN, he has a sense of humour and EVERYTHING ") personally I thought it was very average, not very coherent, bit of a mish mash of a talk. Even now, with what I know, I expected something outstanding, after all he's one of the EIGHT people on earth god deals with directly, right?
isn't going to be wonderful??.
not being there..
My note taking this year is distinctively different to last year!
isn't going to be wonderful??.
not being there..
Dammit, just about to set off.... You enjoy your day!
thoughts, comments, outbursts ;) .
My mum (bless her non-internet-savvy socks), said to me the other day, "apparently it's the only website on the Internet that doesn't have adverts..
I didn't have the heart to say that the whole SITE is an advert..
how can it be said that gods visible organizationwas made strictly theocratic or was fully theocratic in structure by 1938, when there are revisions and changes from time to time in organization instructions?.
.. first of all, we must recognize what is meant when we say gods visible organization was made strictly or fully theocratic.
the term theocracy means god rule or rule by god.
Never mind that, what about the "beams in the waters" from the other qfr?
Mad as a bag o badgers.
i was unable to find any details on this on jwfacts, anyone have details on the wt not being a religion so they could instead own property?.
Any evidence?
sitting here reading about 1 corinthians 10:9 and how the wt uses "jehovah" instead of "christ" in the nwt.
looking in the interlinear and it says "xbc".
anyone know what that means?.
Interesting.. Thanks op for raising the question, and thanks earnest for that comprehensive answer...
never was a jw, but been here long enough to have made some friends and respect opinions.. retired in 2004, lived in cyprus 2005-2010. back here in wales since then.. just back from a holiday in france (most recent of many).
love the country, the lifestyle, can get by in the language.. just seen an advert for a country estate (british-owned) they want someone to live on site, do a bit of handyman stuff, etc., look after (mainly brit) holiday visitors in return for zero rent (only utitlties).
family would be abe to come and stay for free.
Good man! Keep us posted. I might tap you up for some info as well, I so want to move abroad...
Would you consider Cyprus again?